Things That Can Hurt A House Appraisal

Things That Can Hurt A House Appraisal

Things That Can Hurt A House Appraisal

When it comes to selling your home, understanding the appraisal process is crucial. An appraisal can significantly impact the sale price of your property, and being aware of potential pitfalls can help to maximize your home’s value. This comprehensive guide is aimed at equipping home sellers with the necessary knowledge to navigate the tricky waters of home appraisals. Whether you’re a seasoned house flipper, trying to sell an inherited property, or a first-time seller, this guide will reveal common appraisal hurdles and how to overcome them, ensuring a smooth and profitable sale. Let’s start by unraveling the factors that could negatively affect your house appraisal.

Issues That Hurt Your Home Appraisal

Before we delve into the details, it’s important to understand that a home appraisal is not a one-size-fits-all process. Various aspects can lead to a lower appraisal, potentially reducing your home’s sale price. These issues range from outdated or unkempt areas, structural problems, and undesirable neighborhood influences, to even the appraiser’s subjectivity. Think of your home as a product on display – its worth is determined not only by its intrinsic characteristics but also by external factors and first impressions. Read on as we discuss these factors in detail, outlining potential issues to address before an appraiser steps foot in your home, thus ensuring you achieve the most accurate and favorable valuation.

Roof Damage Causing Leaks

A well-maintained roof is a key factor in any home appraisal. If your roof is damaged and causing leaks, it can significantly decrease the value of your home. Leaking roofs are a red flag for potential buyers and appraisers as they indicate serious structural issues that could lead to expensive repairs down the line. Moreover, leaks can lead to further problems like mold growth and insulation damage, which are not only health hazards but also contribute to energy inefficiency.

Before the appraisal, ensure you check your roof for any signs of damage or leaks. This might involve looking for missing or cracked shingles, sagging areas, and signs of water damage inside your home, such as discolored walls or ceilings. If you identify any of these issues, consider hiring a professional roofer to repair them promptly. A well-maintained roof will not only improve your home’s curb appeal but also its overall value, helping you achieve a favorable appraisal.

Water Damage to Your House

Water damage is another common issue that can significantly hurt your home appraisal. Whether it’s due to a leaky roof, burst pipes, or flooded basements, water damage can negatively affect the structural integrity of your home, leading to a lower appraisal. Even minor issues, like a slight discoloration on the ceiling or a damp smell, can ring alarm bells for an appraiser and potential home buyers.

Water damage suggests potential mold growth and rot, which can cause serious health issues and necessitate costly repairs. Damage to the home’s foundations can also result from prolonged exposure to water. These factors can understandably lead to a lower valuation of the property.

To prevent this, it’s crucial to proactively address any signs of water damage before an appraisal. Regularly inspect your home for discoloration, dampness, or a musty smell, especially in areas prone to water damage like the basement, bathrooms, and under sinks. If you discover any issues, it’s advisable to hire professionals to handle the repairs. This not only ensures the problem is properly rectified, but it also demonstrates to appraisers and potential buyers that you’ve maintained the home well, which can positively influence your home’s appraisal.

Foundation Damages

Nothing scares off potential buyers or lowers a home appraisal quite like foundation damage. The foundation is the backbone of any home, ensuring structural stability and protecting the house from shifting soils and moisture. If an appraiser notices signs of foundation damage, such as cracked or crumbling foundations, uneven flooring, or misaligned doors and windows, this can significantly hurt your home’s appraisal.

Foundation problems are typically severe and costly to rectify. They can lead to a host of other issues, such as water intrusion, pest infestations, and even structural failure in extreme cases. As a result, homes with foundation damage are often considered high-risk investments, which can drastically lower their market value.

If you suspect your home may have foundation issues, it’s imperative to act swiftly. Hire a professional foundation contractor to assess the damage and provide a comprehensive repair plan. Fixing any foundation problems before the appraisal can help preserve your home’s value, reassure potential buyers about the home’s structural integrity, and ultimately lead to a higher sale price.

Outside Damage to House

Exterior damage to a house can significantly undermine your home’s appraisal value. The outward appearance and structural integrity of a home serve as the initial point of assessment for appraisers. Issues such as crumbling brickwork, damaged siding, roof problems, or a deteriorating driveway can create an unfavorable first impression, indicating neglect and potential underlying issues. These physical damages can signal to appraisers and potential buyers that there might be more severe, unseen problems within the property, such as water damage or mold growth. Consequently, they may conclude that the house will require substantial repairs, reducing its market value. Hence, homeowners should address any external damages promptly and effectively before an appraisal to ensure their home is valued fairly.

Signs of Home Infestation

Home infestations, if left untreated, can significantly lower the value of your home and become a major stumbling block during the appraisal process. Typical signs of an infestation may include unusual noises in the walls or attic, droppings found in the house, damage to the wood structure, or even sightings of pests themselves.

Pests such as termites, bed bugs, rodents, or cockroaches not only indicate poor maintenance but also pose threats to the structural integrity of the building and the health of future inhabitants. For instance, termites can chew through the wood, compromising the strength and safety of the structure. Similarly, rodents can gnaw on electrical wiring, increasing the risk of a potential fire.

Appraisers are trained to spot these signs and will make note of infestations in their reports. Such issues, if not rectified, can lead to a decrease in the appraised value of your home or, in worst-case scenarios, potential buyers or lenders refuse to proceed with the transaction. Therefore, it’s essential to regularly inspect your home for any signs of infestations and address them promptly by hiring professionals, thereby helping to maintain the value of your property.

What Hurts A Home Appraisal

How To Get A High Appraisal

To achieve a high appraisal for your home, there are several key steps that you should undertake. Here we’ll explore ways to prepare your house for sale that can also help get a higher appraisal.

  1. Improve the Home’s Curb Appeal

First impressions matter, and this is especially true during the appraisal process. Enhancing the exterior of your home can positively influence the appraiser’s perception of your property. A well-maintained lawn, fresh paint, clean siding, and aesthetically pleasing landscaping can all contribute to a higher appraisal value.

  1. Upgrade Where It Counts

Invest in improvements that are known to increase home value. Upgrades in areas such as the kitchen or bathroom are typically quite beneficial. However, remember to keep the upgrades in line with what’s standard in your neighborhood to avoid over-improvement, which may not yield a high return on investment.

  1. Keep a List of Improvements

Document any improvements or renovations you’ve made to your home. This list can include details such as the date of the improvement, the cost, and a brief description of the work done. Providing this documentation to the appraiser will help ensure they fully consider these enhancements when determining your home’s value.

  1. Clean and Declutter

A clean, clutter-free home can make the space look larger and more appealing, which can positively influence an appraiser’s evaluation. Be sure to clean thoroughly, remove unnecessary items, and organize your home before the appraisal.

  1. Fix Any Maintenance Issues

Address any maintenance issues before the appraisal. This includes everything from minor repairs like leaky faucets or chipped paint to larger issues such as roof leaks or foundation damage. Homes that are well-maintained and free of visible defects are likely to appraise for a higher value.

By following these steps, you can increase the chances of achieving a high appraisal, maximizing the value of your home, and making it more attractive to potential buyers.

What To Do If You Have a Bad Home Appraisal

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, a home appraisal may come in lower than expected. In such instances, it’s important not to panic, as there are several steps you can take to challenge the appraisal or mitigate its effects.

  • Review the Appraisal Report Carefully- The first step is to review the appraisal report in great detail. Check for any errors or omissions that may have led to a lower valuation. This could include incorrect details about your home, such as the number of bedrooms or bathrooms, or overlooked renovations and upgrades.
  • Challenge the Appraisal- If you believe the appraiser has made an error or overlooked key elements that could affect your home’s value, you can challenge the appraisal. This process, often referred to as a “rebuttal of value,” involves providing additional information to the appraiser or the appraisal management company, such as documentation for recent upgrades, or discrepancies in the report.
  • Obtain a Second Opinion- If you’re not satisfied with the outcome of your challenge, or if you believe the initial appraisal was fundamentally flawed, consider hiring a different appraiser for a second opinion. While there is an additional cost to consider, a fresh perspective may yield a higher valuation.
  • Negotiate with the Buyer- In cases where the low appraisal is preventing the sale of the home, negotiation with the buyer might be an option. If the buyer is interested in the property, they might be willing to pay more than the appraised value. Alternatively, they may be open to splitting the difference between the appraisal and the selling price.
  • Improve Your Home- If all else fails, you may want to consider making improvements to your home to increase its value. This could involve undertaking major renovations or simply addressing the issues noted in the appraisal.
  • Sell to a Cash Homebuyer- Selling to a cash homebuyer, such as a ‘We Buy Houses in Mansfield‘ company, can be a viable option, especially if you’re seeking a quick sale without the need for appraisals or traditional financing. These companies specialize in purchasing homes directly from sellers, offering a hassle-free process that eliminates many of the typical obstacles encountered when selling a home. If you need to sell your house fast in Arlington, TX, or any other city in the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, consider reaching out to a cash homebuyer for a quick and easy selling experience.

While a low appraisal can be disappointing, it’s not the end of the road. By understanding your options and taking appropriate action, you can work towards achieving a home value that accurately reflects your property’s true worth.


In conclusion, boosting your home’s value is an essential part of the home-selling process. By following these tips and being proactive in maintaining your property, you can increase your chances of receiving a high appraisal and ultimately selling your home for its maximum worth. However, in cases where a low appraisal does occur, don’t lose hope. There are steps you can take to challenge the appraisal and work towards achieving a more favorable outcome. Selling to a local home buyer like Four 19 Properties can also provide a convenient and stress-free option for selling your home quickly. With these strategies in mind, you’re now equipped to make the most of your home’s value and sell it fast.

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