How To Sell Your House To Your Business

A Guide to Selling Your House to Your Business

A Guide to Selling Your House to Your Business

Wondering, “Can I sell my house to my business?” is the first step for many homeowners looking to transition their assets into a business asset. However, navigating this process requires a keen understanding of real estate transactions, capital gains, and IRS guidelines to ensure compliance and maximize benefits. 

Selling your home to your LLC or another business entity can affect your income tax, capital gains tax, and property tax considerations. It’s crucial to approach this decision with a comprehensive understanding of the legal proceedings, tax implications, and the impact on your personal and business finances. 

Engaging with a tax professional and real estate expert can provide valuable insights into leveraging this move for your advantage, whether converting your home into a rental property or aligning it with your business’s operational needs. 

As a house-buying business, we understand the complexities involved in property transactions, especially when it comes to integrating personal assets into your business.

Can I Sell My House to My Business?

Homeowners can sell their primary residence to their business, yet navigating this transaction demands careful attention to detail.

This approach can be particularly advantageous for those looking to convert their property into an investment or rental, streamline tax affairs, or utilize their home for business activities. However, such sales must meet IRS standards for arms-length transactions to sidestep potential tax complications.

Establish Fair Market Value

Determining the fair market value of your home is a critical first step. This ensures that the sale price accurately reflects the property’s worth and that the transaction mirrors those occurring in the open market. Consulting a real estate agent or an appraiser offers an unbiased valuation, setting a solid foundation for the sale.

Impact on Tax Situations

When considering selling your home to your LLC, assess how it affects your tax scenario. Appreciation in property value might trigger capital gains tax; however, exemptions and deductions like the home sale exclusion can greatly mitigate tax liabilities.

When selling your home to your LLC, it’s also crucial to consider state-specific regulations, such as the property tax laws in Texas, which could influence your overall tax strategy

Conversion to Business Property

Transforming your primary residence into a business asset changes the landscape of deductible expenses. Depreciation, repairs, and mortgage interest may become deductible business expenditures, potentially reducing your business’s taxable income. 

This shift necessitates a look at long-term consequences, including effects on capital gains exclusion eligibility in future sales.

Consultation with a Tax Professional

Engaging with a tax expert is indispensable for understanding your tax obligations and benefits comprehensively, ensuring correct transaction reporting on your tax returns and avoiding legal or tax issues. 

Selling your home to your LLC or another business entity offers various advantages, but ensuring procedural correctness is key to avoiding complications.

How to Sell Your House to Your Business

Selling your house to your business involves several legal proceedings to ensure compliance with state laws and tax regulations. Here’s how to navigate this process smoothly.

Legal Proceedings When Selling Your House to Your Business

First, consult a legal advisor to understand the implications of transferring your property to a business entity. This step is critical, especially if you operate your business as an LLC or another type of corporation. 

You must draft a sales agreement detailing the sale terms, including the purchase price, payment terms, and any contingencies.

Additionally, consider the impact on your lender if you have an outstanding mortgage. Some mortgages have a “due on sale” clause, which requires you to pay off the loan upon transferring the property. Consulting with your lender and possibly refinancing into the business’s name might be necessary.

Recording the deed in your business name with your local county or city office is also crucial. This legal documentation officially transfers ownership and ensures your business entity is recognized as the new owner for tax purposes and liability.

Selling Your House to Your Business: Step-By-Step Process

While sometimes tedious, it’s essential to know how to move forward with the selling process.

Determine Fair Market Value

An accurate appraisal is foundational for setting a fair sales price that reflects current market conditions for the sale of your home. 

This process ensures compliance with IRS guidelines for arms-length transactions and establishes a legitimate, market-based value for your property.

An experienced appraiser will consider recent sales of similar residential real estate properties, the home’s condition, home improvements, and local market trends to provide a reliable valuation.

Consult Professionals

The complexity of selling a house to a business mandates professional guidance. A real estate attorney can navigate legal requirements and ensure the transaction adheres to all applicable laws and regulations.

Concurrently, a tax advisor with experience in real estate can provide crucial insights into the tax implications of the sale, helping you optimize your tax situation and avoid potential pitfalls.

Prepare the Sales Agreement

Crafting a comprehensive sales agreement is a critical step in this process. This document should detail every sale aspect, from the purchase price and payment terms to any contingencies or requirements for the sale’s completion.

The agreement serves as a legally binding contract that outlines the responsibilities and expectations of both parties, providing a clear framework for the transaction.

Address Mortgage Concerns

If your property is subject to a mortgage, it’s essential to communicate with your lender early in the process. Some mortgages include a “due on sale” clause that could require the loan to be paid in full upon the property’s transfer.

Discussing your intentions with the lender can identify potential obstacles, and you may need to explore refinancing options or obtain lender consent to proceed with the sale.

Transfer Ownership

Finalizing the sale involves legally transferring the property to your business. This step typically requires recording a new deed with your local government office, officially documenting the business entity as the property’s new owner.

Proper execution of this step is crucial for legal and tax purposes. It ensures the transfer is recognized and the business assumes all ownership responsibilities.

Adjust Your Accounting

Incorporating the property into your business’s financial records correctly is vital for accurate accounting and tax reporting. The property should appear on your business’s balance sheet as an asset, and you’ll need to track any related expenses, such as maintenance, improvements, and depreciation.

These financial adjustments are necessary to leverage potential tax deductions and accurately reflect the business’s financial health.

Consider Tax Implications

The final step in this comprehensive process is collaborating with your tax advisor to properly report the sale on your business and personal tax returns. Understanding the full scope of tax liabilities and benefits, including potential deductions for business use of the property and the impact on capital gains tax, is essential.

This strategic tax planning ensures you maximize the financial benefits of the sale while maintaining compliance with all tax laws and regulations.

How To Sell Your House To Your Business

Pros and Cons of Selling Your House to Your Business

Selling your house to your business has its advantages and challenges. Let’s examine the pros and cons to provide a balanced view for homeowners.


  1. Tax Benefits: One of the biggest perks is potential tax advantages. By selling your house to your business, you can claim deductions for business use, such as depreciation and operational expenses, reducing your business’s taxable income.
  2. Consolidated Assets: Having your property under your business simplifies asset management. It’s easier to oversee and integrate your personal and business finances, especially for investment or rental properties.
  3. Liability Protection: Conducting business activities on a property owned by your LLC or corporation can offer liability protection. In case of legal issues, your assets are generally safeguarded from business-related lawsuits.
  4. Potential for Income: Renting your property can generate additional income if your business involves real estate. This setup can be particularly beneficial if the market rates for rental income are favorable.


  1. Complex Legal and Tax Implications: The transaction requires meticulous planning. Without proper guidance, you might inadvertently trigger tax consequences that could offset the benefits.
  2. Financing Challenges: Refinancing the property under your business might come with higher interest rates or stricter lending conditions, as lenders often perceive business loans as riskier than personal mortgages.
  3. Impact on Personal Taxes: Selling your primary residence to your business might affect your eligibility for the home sale tax exclusion, which allows you to exclude a significant portion of the capital gains from your income tax.
  4. Loss of Homestead Exemption: In some jurisdictions, transferring your primary residence to a business entity may result in the loss of the homestead exemption, which provides relief from property taxes and protection against creditors.

Before deciding to sell your house to your business, weigh these factors carefully. Consider how each aspect aligns with your financial goals, business strategy, and personal situation. Engage with a tax professional and legal advisor to navigate this complex process and ensure you make the most informed decision possible.


Can you sell your house to your business? Absolutely. Selling your house to your business is a viable option for many homeowners, especially when seeking to simplify ownership and financial matters.

Opting for this route requires meticulous attention to legal and financial details to ensure the transaction aligns with your goals and complies with regulations. It’s not just about making a sale; it’s about strategic planning and execution that benefits your personal and business finances.

Four 19 Properties specialize in these transactions. We stand ready to buy your house in Houston or help you sell your house in Wichita Falls, offering tailored solutions that fit your unique situation.

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